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  • 05/22/2008 | ARRL Introduces "Fifth Pillar" at Dayton Hamvention®

    On Saturday, May 17 at the Dayton Hamvention, ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, plans to announce that the League will expand its identity program to include greater emphasis on technology. Harrison explained that "Ham radio operators, and particul
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  • 05/08/2008 | FCC Looks to Raise Vanity Call Sign Fees

    The FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order (NPRM) on May 8 seeking to raise fees for Amateur Radio vanity call signs. Currently, a vanity call sign costs $11.70 and is good for 10 years; the new fee, if the FCC plan goes
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  • 05/07/2008 | Kansas Becomes 26th State to Have PRB-1 Law

    After an unsuccessful attempt eight years ago to get a PRB-1 type bill signed in Kansas, radio amateurs in that state have succeeded in becoming the 26th state with a PRB-1 law on the books. Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius signed HB 2805 into law on Apr
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  • 05/07/2008 | Colorado Group Receives D-STAR Equipment

    The Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs (CCARC) recently teamed up with Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) in Denver to donate a 2 meter, 70 cm and 23 cm D-STAR system stack. According to ARRL Colorado Section Manager and CCARC Board Member Jeff Ryan, K0RM, the t
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  • K6KU

    05/02/2008 | Veteran Wireless Operators Association Honors Two Hams

    At their annual awards banquet on April 26 in New York City, the Veteran Wireless Operators Association (VWOA) honored two Amateur Radio operators with two of the association's top awards: Fritz Raab, W1FR, and John Curtis, K6KU. Raab gave the keynote add
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  • 04/29/2008 | FCC Denies Utah Motorsport Park Use of Amateur Radio Frequencies

    On Thursday, April 24, ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, filed an Informal Objection with the FCC regarding a pending application for a Special Temporary Authority (STA) filed by Miller Motorsports Park in Tooele, Utah. One day after filing
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  • MRAC

    04/04/2008 | AES Superfest a Super Success

    ARRL Sales and Marketing Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, attended the 14th Annual AES Superfest at the headquarters store of Amateur Electronic Supply in Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 28-29. This event is an ARRL sanctioned hamfest that included forums, VE te
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